Saturday, December 20, 2008

Trip to Arizona

We just got back from Arizona last night and we had a blast. It was a little rainy for a few days, but we had fun anyways. We did a lot of swimming at the resort we were at. Elizabeth loves to swim. We also did a lot of driving around to my old areas since this is where I served my mission. Every year they put up a ton of lights at the Mesa Temple grounds so we went down to see that. It was a little rainy that night as you can see. A friend from my mission took us driving through a beautful canyon which was awesome. We also went to the zoo. I really wanted to get pictures of the girls with some cacti. Ivory really got into it, as you can see. Bonnie and Elizabeth are standing in front of a cactus called a saguoro cactus. We also spent a good deal of time visiting with a family I knew from my mission, Dean and Elaine. I baptized Dean 4 years ago (a couple years after my mission). They have been joy to know and I was so happy to have them meet my family. They treated us like royalty like always and we had a wonderful time with them. We loved the weather. When we left Calgary it was -25 and when we got back to Calgary it was -25 while the weather in Arizona was always between 10 and 20 above. We were sad to leave that beautiful weather.

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