Thursday, July 23, 2009

Summer Fun

We went to Kananaskis before heading to Raymond for the 1st of July. It was great to spend some time together in the mountains.

We went for a little hike to an overlook between the Upper and Lower lakes.

We had a blast in Welling, due partly to the new Baja that my parents bought. We raced it for hours. Check out Bonnie and her big smile, she loved that thing.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Warning: Graphic Content!

Elizabeth had surgery on her hand to remove the scars that remained from a burn she got on her first birthday. They attached a splint wrapped in guaze and whatever else they do to keep her fingers straight. Of course, she couldn't stand it on and this afternoon she ripped it off. So, we took the opportunity to snap a picture of the damage. Then Bonnie took her to the hospital and they put on a real cast that will NOT be coming off until it's time. Enjoy!


We were down to Welling a few weeks ago and Elizabeth got to help Grandpa do some seeding. She loves to ride in the tractor.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Girly Pics

Our friend, Chelsey Rice, took some pictures of our girls. They turned out great!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

New Sandbox

We finally got the sandbox put in that Bonnie has been wanting for a long time. It was a surprisingly quick and easy job. I love working outside!

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Elizabeth turns 3

Elizabeth turned 3 last week and Bonnie and her mom went all out on the cake to make her a pink princess castle. Elizabeth loves princesses and she loves castles and she loves pink, so it was perfect for her. I just can't believe she's 3 already.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Springtime brings out the fairies

Elizabeth and Winston got out to enjoy the warm spring weather in Edmonton.

Reading Week (yes, in April)

This blog is way overdue, but the only interesting thing we've done lately happened back in February. We went down to Columbia Falls for a week where we partied super hard. We cross country skied:snowmobiled:

Of course, I was the only one brave enough to do the manly climbing:
can you find me?
and of course some downhill skiing.
We had a blast! We're very glad that this will be a yearly tradition from now on since the folks now have a time share down there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Scootcher

Ivory gets around now, not in the conventional way, but she gets around.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Holidays

Well, we're back from our wonderful holiday and we had a blast! We were in Lethbridge for 2 weeks after being in Arizona for a week. We had a great time with Bonnie's family. Elizabeth was Mary for the acting out of the nativity and did a great job. As you can see below, the kids both loved their new pajamas. Further down you'll see how much Elizabeth loves to wear her dress ups. She is obsessed with princesses.

My nephews wanted to come with me when I took a load of grain for my dad. They were very excited to ride in the semi and had a lot of fun.
Since we've been back in Edmonton we went skating at the Legislature. Elizabeth was calling the legislature a castle, but not just any castle, Beauty and the Beasts' castle. Like I said, obsessed with princesses.