Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Christmas Holidays

Well, we're back from our wonderful holiday and we had a blast! We were in Lethbridge for 2 weeks after being in Arizona for a week. We had a great time with Bonnie's family. Elizabeth was Mary for the acting out of the nativity and did a great job. As you can see below, the kids both loved their new pajamas. Further down you'll see how much Elizabeth loves to wear her dress ups. She is obsessed with princesses.

My nephews wanted to come with me when I took a load of grain for my dad. They were very excited to ride in the semi and had a lot of fun.
Since we've been back in Edmonton we went skating at the Legislature. Elizabeth was calling the legislature a castle, but not just any castle, Beauty and the Beasts' castle. Like I said, obsessed with princesses.